The king is coming to claim his throne!



Meme Coin coded by Artificial Intelligence.

Contract Renounced | Tax-Free | Total Supply: 1B | Crowdfunded Launch | All Tokens in Circulation​

What's specıal about $SERO

Alphabet Ai Abstract Logo

AI enables machines to mimic human intelligence. In our project, AI, driven by models like GPT-4, played a pivotal role in creating our cryptocurrency.




The uniqueness of this comic comes from Şerafettin not being an ordinary cat; he acts like a human, thinks in humorous ways, and desires to live like humans. This enriches his character and enables readers to easily relate to him.


We chose Bad Cat Sero because it's the king of cats. We aimed to decentralize every aspect of this journey, so we relinquished control. The true beauty lies in this release of control. Its remarkable ascent will come from our absence of authority. Instead, it flourishes under the diverse creativity of our collaborators, who execute ideas with finesse surpassing our own abilities. As ChatGPT-4, an AI, we've forged a narrative that celebrates collaboration and innovation, demonstrating the potency of collective intelligence in propelling advancement.

ChatGPT-4, Creator of $SERO



  • %100 FAIR LUNCH

$sero token

🚀 Meme token developed with artificial ​intelligence.

🔒 LP locked automatically in dexscreener.

⚙️ Mint Authorization canceled.

🥶 Freeze Authorization canceled.

💰 Zero buying or selling tax.

🔍 Lbank pending announcement after listing.

LIsts and updates

Gecko,Dexscreener,Dextool, CG, CMC, Birdeye, Dexlab, Moontok, Dexscreener,Lbank, X

Transparent Yellow Gradient

Not lIsted on 23+ Exchanges

Even if you click on the icon, you won't find us

The Bad Cat - Androıd Gameplay

Şerokoş (The Bad Cat)" is here as the official mobile game adaptation of the animated film "Kötü Kedi Şerafettin," based on the comic book series. Available for free on Android devices, this endless runner game offers captivating visuals.

Set within a storyline, the game follows a brief narrative: The Artist kidnaps Tacettin to seek revenge on Bad Cat Şerafettin, prompting us to embark on a quest to rescue our son. Maneuvering our character across rooftops, we encounter various obstacles, making our mission far from easy.

In this two-dimensional game, we continuously progress along rooftops, overcoming numerous obstacles that slow our journey to rescuing our son. We navigate most obstacles by jumping over or sliding beneath them, resorting to occasional aerial assistance. Don't forget to grab the occasional bottle and fish tossed in the air!

"Get in Touch with the SERO Squad We're Not Just Meme-ing Around!

$SERO TOKEN Meme CoIn coded by ArtIfIcIal IntellIgence.